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% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/class.well.R
\title{A plot method for well}
\S4method{plot}{well,missing}(x, y, constant.added = 1, xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL, well.number = NULL, scale = 1, number.points = T,
draw.symbols = F, show.text = T, show.calc = T, draw.guess = NULL,
9 years ago
sranges = NA, ...)
\item{x}{object of class well}
\item{y}{not used}
\item{constant.added}{used to readjust for the constant added during the log transform: log.OD = log(OD - blank + constant.added)}
\item{xlim}{x axis limits, vector of length 2}
\item{ylim}{y axis limits, vector of length 2}
\item{well.number}{the number of the well in an array of wells}
\item{scale}{determines the font scale for the entire graph. all cex values are calculated from this}
\item{number.points}{should points be labeled with numeric indices?}
\item{draw.symbols}{should <check.slopes> be called on the well and markings drawn on the graph?}
\item{show.text}{show R^2 and growth curve parameters as text on the plot}
\item{show.calc}{draw lines that illustrate growth curve parameters}
\item{draw.guess}{initial guess model. Drawn if specified}
9 years ago
\item{sranges}{The boundaries to calculate the AUC.}
\item{...}{additional arguments passed to the generic plot function}
A plot method for well