% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/slope.analysis.R \name{check.slopes} \alias{check.slopes} \title{Use slope estimates to check growth curves for tanking and OD jumps #} \usage{ check.slopes(input.well, check.start = 22, fall.cutoff = -0.0025, remove.jumps = F, jump.multipliers = -c(15, 500, 10), tank.cutoff = 1, tank.limit = 6, silent = T, draw = T) } \arguments{ \item{input.well}{object of class \code{well} to check the slopes for} \item{check.start}{which timepoint should checking for jumps and tanking start at? this is included because early timepoints can be unstable.} \item{fall.cutoff}{what downward slope should constitute a fall in OD?} \item{remove.jumps}{should the program remove OD jumps? default F (just report them) - should be set to T if data contains distinct jumps in OD that need to be eliminated otherwise, this might be too stringent and will result in loss of data.} \item{jump.multipliers}{multipliers of fall.cutoff that determine whether a curve jumps up or down (see methods 1 and 2, below)} \item{tank.cutoff}{what proportion of the maximum OD can the curve go below until it is considered tanking?} \item{tank.limit}{how many timepoints in a row can have falling slopes until the curve is marked as tanking?} \item{silent}{output to R console?} \item{draw}{plot growth curve with curve checking details?} } \description{ Use slope estimates to check growth curves for tanking and OD jumps # } \details{ Uses the functions and (see well.class.R) Fills the "curve.par" slot in the well with the starting index of tanking (NA if none is found) Changed default values to parameters to account for settling }