% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/table2well.R \name{gcat.load.data} \alias{gcat.load.data} \title{Load tabular data} \usage{ gcat.load.data(file.name = NULL, load.type = "csv", input.data = NULL, single.plate.ID = NULL, plate.layout = NULL, plate.nrow = 8, plate.ncol = 12, input.skip.lines = 0, multi.column.headers = c("Plate.ID", "Well", "OD", "Time"), single.column.headers = c("", "A1"), layout.sheet.headers = c("Strain", "Media Definition"), blank.value = NULL, start.index = 2, single.plate = F, silent = T) } \arguments{ \item{file.name}{Complete path and file name of a comma-separated values (.csv) file containing growth curve data in the multiple-plate (long) format.} \item{load.type}{.csv by default.} \item{input.data}{A list of tables representing input files read with \code{read.table}. Used to save time in cases of running multiple analyses on the same dataset. If used, the function will ignore \code{file.name} entirely.} \item{single.plate.ID}{specifies a plate name for a single-plate read. If NULL, this is derived from the file name.} \item{plate.layout}{Specifies the layout of the given plate.} \item{plate.nrow}{The number of rows in the input files.} \item{plate.ncol}{The number of columns in the input files.} \item{input.skip.lines}{specifies a plate name for a single-plate read. If NULL, this is derived from the file name.} \item{multi.column.headers}{The headers of the column when analyzing multiple plates.} \item{single.column.headers}{The headers of the column when analyzing a single plate.} \item{layout.sheet.headers}{The headers of the layout file.} \item{blank.value}{Blank OD measurement for uninoculated wells. By default(NULL), the value of the first OD measurement in each well is used.} \item{start.index}{Which timepoint should be used as the first one after inoculation?} \item{single.plate}{Is the plate single type?} \item{silent}{Surpress all messages.} } \value{ A list of well objects. } \description{ This function handles loading data from tabular format (.csv, tab-delimited text or R data frame object) and returns an array of well objects, each filled with raw Time vs. OD data. It takes single-plate or multiple-plate format data. For single-plate data, it calls on the function \code{gcat.reorganize.single.plate.data} to rearrange the table before creating the output object. }