% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/plot.fit.R \name{plot_data} \alias{plot_data} \title{plot_data} \usage{ plot_data(input.well, view.raw.data = F, unlog = F, scale = 1, main = paste(plate.name(input.well), well.name(input.well)), number.points = T, draw.symbols = F, constant.added, ylim, ...) } \arguments{ \item{input.well}{The well object that need to be plottedd} \item{view.raw.data}{should the raw data be plotted? (} \item{unlog}{should data be plotted on a linear (vs. logarithmic) scale?} \item{scale}{determines the font scale for the entire graph. all cex values are calculated from this.} \item{main}{...} \item{number.points}{should points be labeled with numeric indices?} \item{draw.symbols}{- should be called on the well and markings drawn on the graph?} \item{constant.added}{Similar to added.constant.} \item{ylim}{...} \item{...}{additional arguments passed to plot()} } \description{ Basic function plots time vs. OD from a well object }