module TableBuilder # I decided to parse the output file produced by the R library # and build an html table rather than using the YUI JS library # previously implemented. # # This method takes the result hash returned by the R bridge routine and # builds an array of row arrays def output_table result, has_layout # if the user submits a layout file, there will be more columns in the output file offsets = {:pdf => -2, :page => -1} if(has_layout) offsets[:pdf] = -7 offsets[:page] = -6 end rel_path = result[:txtFile] pdf_path = File.dirname @result[:txtFile] #Rails.root.join("public/"+result[:pdfFile]) path = Rails.root.join("public/"+rel_path) raise "File not found" unless File.exists? path file = path output = [] file.each_line do |line| if(output.empty?) # the headers seem to be enclosed in quotations # will need to parse a bit differently l_ar = line.split "\"\t\"" l_ar.first.delete! "\"" l_ar.last.delete! "\"\n" l_ar.collect! {|l| l.gsub ".", " "} output << l_ar else l_ar = line.split "\t" l_ar.last.delete! "\"\n" break unless l_ar.size > 1 output << format_row(l_ar, pdf_path, offsets) end end return output end # this method: removes quotations from strings, truncates floats to 2 sig. digits, # and creates html links to PDF files # params: # l_ar--An array of the one row of data # path--directory path where the pdf file is located # offsets-- a hash containing the negative array offsets for cells needed to build pdf link # # returns: A formatted array of one row from the output.txt data def format_row l_ar, path, offsets result = l_ar.collect! do |entry| if( entry.gsub "\"", "" elsif(view_context.number_with_precision(entry.to_f, precision: 2, significant: true).size > 15) "%E" % view_context.number_with_precision(entry.to_f, precision: 2, significant: true) else view_context.number_with_precision(entry.to_f, precision: 2, significant: true) end end result[offsets[:page]] = result[offsets[:page]].to_i # page number # result[-7] == result[0] = "#{result[0].to_i}".html_safe # add pdf link to first row return result end end