% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/table.output.R \name{table.out} \alias{table.out} \title{Populate an output table with parameters and other useful info for each well in a fitted dataset.} \usage{ table.out(fitted.data.set, unlog = F, constant.added, reach.cutoff = 0.9, filename.timestamp = NULL, use.linear.param = F, use.loess = F) } \arguments{ \item{fitted.data.set}{array of fitted well objects} \item{unlog}{- Should OD values be returned on the linear scale instead of log-transformed scale?} \item{constant.added}{- For returning values on linear scale, what constant was added to ODs before the log transform?} \item{reach.cutoff}{- what proportion of the plateau OD must tbe reached by the last valid timepoint for the curve to be marked as reaching its plateau OD?} \item{filename.timestamp}{timestamp for addition to output file names (for file references in last column of the output)} \item{use.linear.param}{did the model formula contain a linear parameter? Should normally be FALSE, as the linear parameter is deprecated} \item{use.loess}{was LOESS used to fit the data (instead of unsing a growth curve model formula)?} } \description{ Populate an output table with parameters and other useful info for each well in a fitted dataset. }