% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/GCAT.main.R \name{gcat.output.main} \alias{gcat.output.main} \title{Output function for generating files from fitted data.} \usage{ gcat.output.main(fitted.well.array, out.prefix = "", source.file.list, upload.timestamp = NULL, add.constant, blank.value, start.index, growth.cutoff, points.to.remove, remove.jumps, out.dir = getwd(), graphic.dir = paste(out.dir, "/pics", sep = ""), overview.jpgs = T, sranges = NA, use.linear.param = F, use.loess = F, lagRange = NA, totalRange = NA, totalODRange = NA, specRange = NA, plate.nrow = 8, plate.ncol = 12, unlog = F, silent = T, main.envir) } \arguments{ \item{fitted.well.array}{A list of fitted well objects.} \item{out.prefix}{Prefix that is in the name of output files.} \item{source.file.list}{A list of the source files' names.} \item{upload.timestamp}{The time format indicated by the user.} \item{add.constant}{used to readjust for the constant added during the log transform when plotting ODs.} \item{blank.value}{User can enter a blank OD measurement for uninoculated wells. If NULL, defaults to the value of the first OD measurement of each well.} \item{start.index}{Which timepoint should be used as the first one after inoculation (defaults to the 2th one)} \item{growth.cutoff}{Minimum threshold for curve growth.} \item{points.to.remove}{A list of numbers referring to troublesome points that should be removed across all wells.} \item{remove.jumps}{Should the slope checking function be on the lookout for large jumps in OD?} \item{out.dir}{name a directory to output the table of curve parameters to (defaults to working directory)} \item{graphic.dir}{name a directory to output the images of the fitted curves to (defaults to subdirectory "pics" of above)} \item{overview.jpgs}{should jpgs be generated for each plate with the overview graphic? This is for backwards compatibility with the old web server.} \item{sranges}{The 2 boundaries for calculating the area under the curve.} \item{use.linear.param}{linear parameter is used or not?} \item{use.loess}{Is LOESS model going to be used?} \item{lagRange}{The heatmap specific range for lag time.} \item{totalRange}{The heatmap specific range for the achieved growth.} \item{totalODRange}{The heatmap specific range for the achieved growth on linear (OD) scale.} \item{specRange}{The heatmap specific range for spec growth rate.} \item{plate.nrow}{The number of rows for a plate.} \item{plate.ncol}{The number of columns for a plate} \item{unlog}{should exported graphics be transformed back to the OD scale?} \item{silent}{should messages be returned to the console?} \item{main.envir}{starting environment of gcat.analysis.main(), captured as a list, printed out for debugging} } \value{ A list of output files if success. } \description{ Handles files and directories, calls \code{table.out}, \code{plate.overview} and \code{view.fit} to generate output tables and graphics. }