# Explore GCAT results file for the 72h time course with 2 strains WORK.DIR = "/mnt/file.glbrc.org/ybukhman/Projects/GCAT_B05/GCAT 4/2_Piotrowski_data_analysis/working_data/GCAT_4.3_results/72h 128 vs 3d/loess_0.01" GCAT.FILE = "output_gcat.fit_2014-09-24_17.16.31.txt" #### Load data #### setwd(WORK.DIR) data1 = read.delim(GCAT.FILE,nrows=96) #### Assign strain id #### strain = rep("Lab",96) strain[grep("[ABCD]",data1$well)] = "Y128" #### Summarize fits of the lab strain #### summary(data1[strain=="Lab",]) # Why is reach so low? summary(data1$reach[strain=="Lab"]) #### Compute CV of key parameters #### cv = function(x) {sd(x,na.rm=T)/mean(x,na.rm=T)} if ("shape.par" %in% names(data1)) { apply(data1[strain=="Lab",c("lag.time","spec.growth","tot.growth","shape.par")],2,cv) } else { apply(data1[strain=="Lab",c("lag.time","spec.growth","tot.growth")],2,cv) }