===What's in this package=== R - R code. Sub-folder GCAT contains the GCAT package Rails - Rails code Testing - testing code, data and documents, outside of any regression tests that may be incorporated directly into R packages or Rails applications ===Getting started=== First you will need to install Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I suggest using RVM to install them. Documentation for RVM can be found at: http://rvm.io. You will need: Ruby version 1.9.3p194 and Rails 3.2.15 R version between 3.0.2 and 3.2.0. The R package is in subfolder R. To install, do the following: Open a terminal in the R folder $ sudo R CMD REMOVE GCAT # do this if an older version of GCAT has been installed $ sudo R CMD INSTALL GCAT The rails application is in subfolder Rails. It runs under Rails 3.2.15. To run it locally using the default Rails WEBrick web server do the following: Open a terminal in the Rails folder $ bundle install $ rails s Open in a web browser