<%= form_for @assay do |f| %> <% if @assay.errors.any? %>

<%= pluralize(@assay.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this assay from being saved:

<% end %>

Plate Type

<%= f.radio_button(:plate_type, 's', :checked => true) %> <%= f.label(:plate_type_single, "Single-plate") %>
<%= f.radio_button(:plate_type, 'm', :checked => false) %> <%= f.label(:plate_type_single, "Multiple-plate") %>

Input Data File

Please specify a plate results file to upload for analysis:
<%= f.file_field :input_file %>

Plate Layout File

Optionally upload a plate layout file:
<%= f.file_field :layout_file %>
<%= link_to "Single-Plate Example File","/resources/YPDAFEXglucoseTests_2-25-10.csv" %>
<%= link_to "Single-Plate Layout Example File","/resources/YPDAFEXglucoseTests_2-25-10_Layout.csv" %>
<%= link_to "Multi-Plate Example File","/resources/test_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.csv" %>
<%= link_to "Multi-Plate Layout Example File","/resources/MultiPlateLayout_plateID.csv" %>

Media background

<%= f.radio_button(:blank_value, "default", {:checked => true, :class => "user_enter3 user_enter3_no"}) %> <%= f.label(:blank_value_blank_value_default, "Take the first OD reading of each well to be the blank") %>
<%= f.radio_button(:blank_value, "user", {:class => "user_enter3 user_enter3_yes"}) %> <%= f.label(:blank_value_user, "User Input.") %>

OD Transform

<%= f.radio_button(:transformation, 1, {:checked => true, :class => "user_enter2 user_enter2_no"}) %> <%= f.label(:transformation_one, "log(x + 0.1)") %>
<%= f.radio_button(:transformation, 0, {:class => "user_enter2 user_enter2_no"}) %> <%= f.label(:transformation_zero, "log(x)") %>
<%= f.radio_button(:transformation, -1, {:class => "user_enter2 user_enter2_yes"}) %> <%= f.label(:transformation_any, "log(x + δ)") %>

Growth curve model

<%= f.radio_button(:model, 1, {:checked => true, :class => "user_enter1 user_enter1_no"})%> <%= f.label(:model_one, "Sigmoid curve") %> <%#= f.radio_button(:model, 0, {:class => "user_enter1 user_enter1_no"}) %> <%#= f.label(:model_zero, "Sigmoid + linear") %> <%= f.radio_button(:model, -1, {:class => "user_enter1 user_enter1_yes"}) %> <%= f.label(:model_any, "LOESS. The default smoothing value is 0.1.") %>

Inoculation timepoint

<%= f.label :start_index, "Enter the timepoint index (positive integer only). The default value is 2. " %>
<%= f.text_field(:start_index, :type => 'number', :min =>'1', :size => '3', :value => '2') %>

Growth Threshold

<%= f.label :growth_threshold, "Enter the growth threshold. The default value is 0.05. " %>
<%= f.text_field(:growth_threshold, :type => 'number', :min =>'0', :size => '3', :value => '0.05', :step => "0.01") %>

Points to ignore

<%= f.label :remove_points,"Enter a comma-separated list of points. Example: 2,3,4,5 (positive integers only). The default is an empty list." %>
<%= f.text_field :remove_points %>
<%#= f.check_box(:remove_jumps) %> <%#= f.label(:remove_jumps, "Employ the jump detection algorithm to attempt to remove problematic points.") %> <% =begin %>

Plate Dimensions

<%= f.label 'number of rows' %> <%= f.text_field(:plate_dimensions_row, :type => 'number', :min =>'1', :size => '3', :value => '8') %>
<%= f.label 'number of columns' %> <%= f.text_field(:plate_dimensions_column, :type => 'number', :min =>'1', :size => '3', :value => '12') %>
<% =end %>

Timestamp format

<%= f.label :timestamp_format %>
<%#= f.text_field(:timestamp_format, :value => '1/3600', :id => 'adam') %> <%= f.select :timestamp_format, options_for_select(date_time_options()) %>
<%= f.submit %>
<%= mail_to "gcat.help@glbrc.wisc.edu","Please Send Any Questions To The GLBRC Help Desk And Be Sure To Include 'GCAT' In Your Subject Title", :subject => "GCAT" %>
<%= link_to "GCAT Users Manual","/resources/GCAT_users_manual.pdf" %>
<% end %>