#!/usr/bin/env Rscript # Compare 2 versions of GCAT for a particular parameter # Karan Maini args <- commandArgs(TRUE) # Baaad....WORK.DIR = "/home/maini/Desktop/GCAT Test Script" # INPUT.1 = "GCAT2/output_gcat.fit_2013-11-18_12.23.34.txt" # INPUT.2 = "GCAT3/output_gcat.fit_2013-11-18_12.19.46.txt" # Read in the data in1 = read.table(args[1],header=T,sep="\t") in2 = read.table(args[2],header=T,sep="\t") parameter = args[3] # Compare values same = signif(in1$spec.growth,2) == signif(in2$spec.growth,2) & signif(in1$tot.growth,2) == signif(in2$tot.growth,2) & signif(in1$lag.time,2) == signif(in2$lag.time,2) same[is.na(in1$spec.growth) & is.na(in2$spec.growth)] = T # Write out the output #out = file(OUTPUT,open="w") #if (all(same)) { writeLines("No significant differences identified",con=out) } #close(out) # Manual exploration # Ascertain that results are quite different cat("Command:\nRscript compare_gcat_output.R",args[1],args[2],parameter) cat("\n\nSummary: \n\n") summary(same) head(same) cat("\n\nGCAT2: \n\n") head(in1) cat("\n\nGCAT3: \n\n") head(in2) cat("\n\nSpecific Growth Comparison Summary: \n\n") summary(in2$spec.growth/in1$spec.growth) # specific growth lower in GCAT 3 cat("\n\nTotal Growth Comparison Summary: \n\n") summary(in2$tot.growth/in1$tot.growth) cat("\n\nLag Time Comparison Summary: \n\n") summary(in2$lag.time/in1$lag.time) # lag time also lower in GCAT 3 # Baaad....WORK.DIR = "/home/maini/Desktop/GCAT Test Script/Comparison Plots" setwd("./Comparison Plots") pdf( paste( parameter,'Plot.pdf'),onefile=T) # ....plot code here.... # Plot specific growth rate of GCAT 3 vs. GCAT 2 x = in1$spec.growth y = in2$spec.growth plot(x,y,pch=16,main="Specific Growth", xlab="old GCAT", ylab="new GCAT") abline(0,1) abline(lm(y~x),lty=2) legend("bottomright",c("y=x line","regression line"),lty=c(1,2)) # Plot total growth rate of GCAT 3 vs. GCAT 2 x = in1$tot.growth y = in2$tot.growth plot(x,y,pch=16,main="Total Growth", xlab="old GCAT", ylab="new GCAT") abline(0,1) abline(lm(y~x),lty=2) legend("bottomright",c("y=x line","regression line"),lty=c(1,2)) # Plot lag time of GCAT 3 vs. GCAT 2 x = in1$lag.time y = in2$lag.time plot(x,y,pch=16,main="Lag Time", xlab="old GCAT", ylab="new GCAT") abline(0,1) abline(lm(y~x),lty=2) legend("bottomright",c("y=x line","regression line"),lty=c(1,2)) # Plot Goodness of Fit of GCAT 3 vs. GCAT 2 x = in1$good.fit y = in2$good.fit plot(x,y,pch=16,main="Goodness of Fit", xlab="old GCAT", ylab="new GCAT") abline(0,1) abline(lm(y~x),lty=2) legend("bottomright",c("y=x line","regression line"),lty=c(1,2)) dev.off() # Investigate outliers subset(in1, is.finite(in1$spec.growth) & (in1$spec.growth < in2$spec.growth - 0.003)) subset(in2, is.finite(in1$spec.growth) & (in1$spec.growth < in2$spec.growth - 0.003)) # Clean up rm(list=ls()) setwd("../") #move back to testing root directory