import sys import os import glob def usage(): print 'python .py ' print 'directory_path_1 --> GCAT2 and directory_path_2 --> GCAT3' print 'Eg: python ./ ./GCAT2 ./GCAT3' def main(): first_dir_path = sys.argv[1] second_dir_path = sys.argv[2] files1=[] files2=[] parameter_list=[] for root,dirs,files in os.walk(first_dir_path): files1.extend(files) print 'Files in GCAT2:' print files1 print '\n' for root,dirs,files in os.walk(second_dir_path): files2.extend(files) print 'Files in GCAT3:' print files2 print '\n' print 'Common Files:' print [f for f in files2 if f in files1] print '\n' for f in files2: if f in files1: parameter_list.append(f[:-4]) # print parameter_list # using glob # parameter_list = ['Media_Background','OD_Transform', 'Inoculation', 'Points_Ignored', 'Growth_Threshold'] for parameter in parameter_list: file_1 = glob.glob(first_dir_path+"/"+parameter + "*.txt") file_2 = glob.glob(second_dir_path+"/"+parameter + "*.txt") print file_1 print file_2 if len(file_1)==1 and len(file_2)==1: # run it on command line command = "Rscript compare_gcat_output.R "+ file_1[0] + " " + file_2[0] + " " + parameter print command os.system(command + '>' + './Comparison_Datasets/' + parameter + '.txt') # run it on command line print 'done' else: print 'Multiple files found for the parameter' + parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # 2 arguments required other than script name: # script name, dir_path_1, dir_path_2 # If insufficent command line arguments are passed, usage must be printed if len(sys.argv) != 3: usage() # else continue with execution of script else: main()