# Regression testing script for GCAT. # Yury V Bukhman, 17 Nov 2014 # This script tests outputs generated from the example dataset "YPDAFEXglucoseTests_2-25-10" with default GCAT settings. INPUT.DIR = system.file("extdata/YPDAFEXglucoseTests_2-25-10",package="GCAT") OUTPUT.DIR = paste(INPUT.DIR,"temp",sep="/") INPUT.FILE = "YPDAFEXglucoseTests_2-25-10.csv" # Run GCAT library(GCAT) setwd(INPUT.DIR) time.input=1/3600 out = gcat.analysis.main(file.list = INPUT.FILE, single.plate = T, layout.file = NULL, out.dir = OUTPUT.DIR, graphic.dir = OUTPUT.DIR, add.constant = 1, blank.value = NULL, start.index = 2, growth.cutoff = 0.05, use.linear.param=F, use.loess=F, smooth.param=0.1, points.to.remove = integer(), remove.jumps = F, time.input=time.input, silent = F, verbose = T, return.fit = T, overview.jpgs = T) # Read in old and new output spreadsheets old.output.table = read.table("default_output.txt",header=T,sep="\t") new.output.file = list.files(path=OUTPUT.DIR, pattern = "^output_gcat\\.fit_.+\\.txt$") new.output.table = read.table(paste("temp",new.output.file,sep="/"),header=T,sep="\t",nrows=96) # Remove "pdf.file" column old.output.table = old.output.table[names(old.output.table) != "pdf.file"] new.output.table = new.output.table[names(new.output.table) != "pdf.file"] # Verify that output spreadsheets are identical within rounding error # (relaxed tolerance to 1e-6 to make the test pass on Windows 7 with R 3.2.0) stopifnot(all.equal(new.output.table,old.output.table,tolerance=1e-6)) # Clean up unlink(OUTPUT.DIR, recursive=T)