% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/table2well.R \name{gcat.start.times} \alias{gcat.start.times} \title{Convert timestamps to hours from start and sort timepoints This function acts on a single well and modifies the raw data stored in slot "screen.data"} \usage{ gcat.start.times(input.well, time.input, start.index = 2) } \arguments{ \item{input.well}{an object of class well} \item{time.input}{specifies time format in the input. allowed values are "%S", for seconds, "%d", for days, or anything complying with ISO C / POSIX standards; see .} \item{start.index}{which timepoint should be used as the starting time at inoculation?} } \description{ Convert timestamps to hours from start and sort timepoints This function acts on a single well and modifies the raw data stored in slot "screen.data" } \details{ note: reading directly from excel to R results in timestamps being converted to days. }