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Package: GCAT
Title: Growth Curve Analysis Tool
Description: Imports high-throughput growth curve data from microtiter
plate reads in .csv format and performs non-linear
regression using the Richards, Logistic, or Gompertz functions.
Richards is used unless the shape parameter is not significant.
Local polynomial regression can be performed as well.
GCAT estimates important growth characteristics
(specific growth rate, maximum growth capacity, and lag time)
for each well in a read.
Version: 6.0.2
Depends: pheatmap, gplots, methods
Maintainer: Yury Bukhman <>
License: LGPL-3
Date: 2015-06-11
Author: Jason Shao, Nate DiPiazza <>, Minh Duc Bui, Yury V Bukhman
Suggests: testthat