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% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/slope.analysis.R
\title{Use slope estimates to check growth curves for tanking and OD jumps #}
check.slopes(input.well, check.start = 22, fall.cutoff = -0.0025,
remove.jumps = F, jump.multipliers = -c(15, 500, 10), tank.cutoff = 1,
tank.limit = 6, silent = T, draw = T)
\item{input.well}{object of class \code{well} to check the slopes for}
\item{check.start}{which timepoint should checking for jumps and tanking start at? this is included because early timepoints can be unstable.}
\item{fall.cutoff}{what downward slope should constitute a fall in OD?}
\item{remove.jumps}{should the program remove OD jumps? default F (just report them) -
should be set to T if data contains distinct jumps in OD that need to be eliminated
otherwise, this might be too stringent and will result in loss of data.}
\item{jump.multipliers}{multipliers of fall.cutoff that determine whether a curve jumps up or down (see methods 1 and 2, below)}
\item{tank.cutoff}{what proportion of the maximum OD can the curve go below until it is considered tanking?}
\item{tank.limit}{how many timepoints in a row can have falling slopes until the curve is marked as tanking?}
\item{silent}{output to R console?}
\item{draw}{plot growth curve with curve checking details?}
Use slope estimates to check growth curves for tanking and OD jumps #
Uses the functions <data.from> and <> (see well.class.R)
Fills the "curve.par" slot in the well with the starting index of tanking (NA if none is found)
Changed default values to parameters to account for settling