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% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/GCAT.main.R
\title{Main analysis function for GCAT}
\usage{, = NULL, load.type = "csv",
layout.file = NULL, single.plate = F, blank.value = NULL,
start.index = 2, time.input = NA, normalize.method = "default",
add.constant = 1, use.log = T, = 0,
use.linear.param = F, use.loess = F, smooth.param = 0.1,
fall.cutoff = -0.0025, growth.cutoff = 0.05, remove.jumps = F,
plate.nrow = 8, plate.ncol = 12, sranges = NA, input.skip.lines = 0,
multi.column.headers = c("Plate.ID", "Well", "OD", "Time"),
single.column.headers = c("", "A1"), layout.sheet.headers = c("Strain",
"Media Definition"), growth.model = NA, backup.growth.model = NA,
silent = F, verbose = F)
\item{}{Complete path and file name of a comma-separated values (.csv) file containing growth curve data
in the multiple-plate (long) format.}
\item{}{A list of tables representing input files read with \code{read.table}. Used to save time in cases
of running multiple analyses on the same dataset. If used, the function will ignore \code{} entirely.}
\item{load.type}{.csv by default.}
\item{layout.file}{Specifies the location of a layout file containing identifying information.}
\item{single.plate}{Whether the GCAT is analyzing a single plate or not.}
\item{blank.value}{Blank OD measurement for uninoculated wells. By default(NULL), the value of the first OD
measurement in each well is used.}
\item{start.index}{Which timepoint should be used as the first one after inoculation?}
\item{time.input}{Either a character describing the format used to convert timestamps in the input to numbers
representing number of seconds (see \code{strptime}), or a factor to divide entries in the Time column by to get the
numbers of hours.}
\item{normalize.method}{Describes the method used by \code{normalize.ODs} to normalize cell density values using blank reads.}
\item{add.constant}{A value for r in the log(OD + r) transformation.}
\item{use.log}{Should the analysis use log on all values.}
\item{}{A vector of integers specifying which timepoints should be removed across all wells.
By default(0) none are marked for removal.}
\item{use.linear.param}{Should the linear parameter be used or not.}
\item{use.loess}{Should the loess model be used or not.}
\item{smooth.param}{If loess model is used, this parameter define the smoothing parameter for the loess model.}
\item{fall.cutoff}{A cutoff used by \code{check.slopes} to decide on thresholds for jumps and tanking.}
\item{growth.cutoff}{A threshold used by check.growth to decide whether a well displays growth.}
\item{remove.jumps}{Should jumps in OD detected by the subfunction \code{check.slopes}?}
\item{plate.nrow}{The number of rows in the input files.}
\item{plate.ncol}{The number of columns in the input files.}
\item{sranges}{The 2 boundaries for calculating the area under the curve.}
\item{input.skip.lines}{If specified, this number of lines shall be skipped from the top when reading the input file with read.csv}
\item{multi.column.headers}{The headers of the column when analyzing multiple plates.}
\item{single.column.headers}{The headers of the column when analyzing a single plate.}
\item{layout.sheet.headers}{The headers of the layout file.}
\item{growth.model}{What growth model should be used?}
\item{backup.growth.model}{If the main growth model fails, the back up model will be used.}
\item{silent}{Surpress all messages.}
\item{verbose}{Display all messages when analyzing each well.}
An array of well objects
This is the main function that handles all the analyses for data files in both single and multiple plate formats.
It is called by the top level function \code{gcat.analysis.main} along with \code{gcat.output.main}.