Sprint planning: 1st Sprint: a. UML diagram b. Commands/responses for each bot c. A topic for each bot 2nd Sprint: a. Superbot implementation b. Expected commands should be responded c. Basic GUI of the chatting room 3rd Sprint: a. One bot fully implemented b. Enable users authentication c. SignIn/signUp GUI 4th Sprint: a. Networking works b. All bots are fully implemented c. Documentations d. potenial Wow factors port forwarding that enable the server can be connected from different Internet NLU chatbot invoked by !ttm [message] using aim and alive bot's library. Sprint Review: 1st Sprint: In the first sprint, we have showed our UML diagram to the SL and each of us has picked a topic. We have topics about moba game, NBA, music player and makeups. The SL thought we were kind of ahead. 2nd Sprint: In the second sprint, we have implemented one bot that can respond some default commands in a chatroom. Michael told us to implement all four bots for the next sprints. 3rd Sprint: We were a little bit delayed since we did not have four fully implemented bots. However, we have done with the signIn and signUp.