You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
1.0 KiB

List of default commands:
!help - list out the available commands for the current bot.
!info User - prints out the information of User.
!date - prints out the current date.
!whoami - prints out the user's client info such as IP addresses, ...
Yanghu's chatbot theme: Soccer
Weixiang's chatbot theme: MOBA game or LoL.
MingJun's chatbot theme:
MinhBui's chatbot theme: music bot that supports youtube music
!import [URL] - given a Youtube URL, import the URL to the play list.
!remove [ID]/[Name] - given an ID or name, remove the music from the play list.
!list - lists out the current songs in the playlist.
!play [ID]/[Name] - given a name or an ID, play the song in the list. If nothing is given, resume playing the current song.
!current - displays the current playing song.
!pause - pause the current song
!repeat - toggle repeat mode
!shuffle - shuffle repeat mode
![reponse] - comments on the reponse of an user. (nlp feature)
!rate [User]/[MusicID]/[MusicName] - give a random rate of a music or an user from 0 to 10.