package model; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This class implements the minimax alpha-beta pruning algorithm. * * @author Minh Bui * */ public class Minimax_AlphaBeta implements ComputerPlayer { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8226404171733596155L; /** * Specify the maximum depth for the search tree. */ private final int init_depth = 5; /** * Comment: Since minimax looks at all of the nodes in the search tree, we need * a class that is similar to the game model. * * It's quite inefficient since we have to create many instances of this class * for each tree node. * * @author Minh Bui */ private class GameState extends Connect4Model { /** * Java generated serialize UID. Since GameState extends Connect4Model, it's * just here for the sake of surpressing warning. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; /** * Create a GameState object given a game model. * * @param gameModel * The given game model. */ public GameState(Connect4Model gameModel) { // Create a deep copy of the board array. char[][] board = new char[gameModel.getMaxRow()][gameModel.getMaxCol()]; char[][] orig_board = gameModel.getBoard(); for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) { board[i] = Arrays.copyOf(orig_board[i], orig_board[i].length); } // Use setObjectAt instead of setBoard because it's a bad design. this.setBoard(board); this.setHumanTurn(gameModel.isHumanMove()); this.setMoveMaked(gameModel.getMoveMaked()); } /** * Create a GameState object given the crucial information for a game state. * Used to make a deep copy of another game state. * * @param board * The board that models the game connect4. * @param isHumanTurn * True if it's currently the human's turn in the given state. * @param m * The number of moves made in the given state. */ public GameState(char[][] board, boolean isHumanTurn, int m) { // Create a deep copy of the board array. char[][] copy_board = new char[board.length][board[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) copy_board[i] = Arrays.copyOf(board[i], board[0].length); this.setBoard(copy_board); this.setHumanTurn(isHumanTurn); this.setMoveMaked(m); } /** * @return Returns a list of possible moves for this game state. */ private List getLegalMoves() { List availableMoves = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.isOver()) return availableMoves; for (int i = 0; i < this.getBoard().length; i++) { if (this.getBoard()[i][this.getBoard()[0].length - 1] == this.getBlankChar()) { availableMoves.add(i); } } return availableMoves; } } /** * Given a game model object, use alpha-beta pruning minimax algorithm to * calculate and return the next optimal move. * * @param gameModel * The given game model object. * @param max * True if the agent is playing to maximize its utility and false in * the case of minimizing utility. */ @Override public int getMove(Connect4Model gameModel, boolean max) { GameState currentState = new GameState(gameModel); List legalMoves = currentState.getLegalMoves(); if (legalMoves.isEmpty()) return -1; int bestMove = 0; double bestUtil = 0; if (max) { // Need to get the first available's move utility to have an initial value to // compare to. bestMove = legalMoves.get(0); GameState nextState1 = getNextState(currentState, bestMove); bestUtil = minValue(init_depth, nextState1, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // Get the move with the minimum utility value. for (int i = 1; i < legalMoves.size(); i++) { double thisMoveUtil = minValue(init_depth, getNextState(currentState, legalMoves.get(i)), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); if (bestUtil < thisMoveUtil) { bestUtil = thisMoveUtil; bestMove = legalMoves.get(i); } } } else { // Need to get the first available's move utility to have an initial value to // compare to. bestMove = legalMoves.get(0); GameState nextState1 = getNextState(currentState, bestMove); bestUtil = maxValue(init_depth, nextState1, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // Get the move with the maximum utility value. for (int i = 1; i < legalMoves.size(); i++) { double thisMoveUtil = maxValue(init_depth, getNextState(currentState, legalMoves.get(i)), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); if (bestUtil > thisMoveUtil) { bestUtil = thisMoveUtil; bestMove = legalMoves.get(i); } } } System.out.println("Computer bestmove: " + bestMove); System.out.println("Utility: " + bestUtil); return bestMove; } /** * Calculate the max value for the current state. (State or node for the human * player) * * @param depth * The current depth of the search tree. * @param state * The current game state that needs to a minimax value. * @param alpha * The value of the best choice we have found so far in the MAX path. * @param beta * The value of the best choice we have found so far in the MIN path. * @return The max value for the current state. */ private double maxValue(int depth, GameState state, double alpha, double beta) { if (depth == 0 || state.isOver()) return utilityOf(state); double v = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int move : state.getLegalMoves()) { v = Math.max(v, minValue(depth - 1, getNextState(state, move), alpha, beta)); if (v >= beta) return v; alpha = Math.max(alpha, v); } /* * state.printRawBoard(); System.out.println(v); */ return v; } /** * Calculate the min value for the current state. (State or node for the * computer player) * * @param depth * The current depth of the search tree. * @param state * The current game state that needs to a minimax value. * @param alpha * The value of the best choice we have found so far in the MAX path. * @param beta * The value of the best choice we have found so far in the MIN path. * @return The min value for the current state. */ private double minValue(int depth, GameState state, double alpha, double beta) { if (depth == 0 || state.isOver()) return utilityOf(state); double v = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int move : state.getLegalMoves()) { v = Math.min(v, maxValue(depth - 1, getNextState(state, move), alpha, beta)); if (v <= alpha) return v; beta = Math.min(beta, v); } /* * System.out.println("In min value"); state.printRawBoard(); * System.out.println(v); */ return v; } /** * Given a move and the current game state, generate the next game state. * * @param curState * the current game state * @param move * The move that will be made in the next state. * @return The next state with the move. */ private GameState getNextState(GameState curState, int move) { GameState nextState = new GameState(curState.getBoard(), curState.isHumanMove(), curState.getMoveMaked()); // curState.printRawBoard(); try { char c = '\0'; if (curState.isHumanMove()) c = curState.getHumanChar(); else c = curState.getComputerChar(); for (int i = 0; i < nextState.getMaxCol(); i++) { if (curState.isBlank(move, i)) { nextState.setObjectAt(move, i, c); nextState.switchTurn(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { } /* * System.out.println(""); nextState.printRawBoard(); System.out.println(""); */ return nextState; } /** * Utility function assigning the utility values to terminal states of the game. * Need a better evaluation function for non-terminal state. Right now we are * relying on randomness. * * @param curState * @return A number indicating the utility (score) for the given state. */ private double utilityOf(GameState curState) { if (curState.isTied()) return 0; else if (curState.didWin(curState.getHumanChar())) return 10; else if (curState.didWin(curState.getComputerChar())) return -10; else { // return Math.random() * -10 + Math.random() * 10; double score = countConsecutives(curState, curState.getHumanChar(), 2) + countConsecutives(curState, curState.getHumanChar(), 3) * 2 - countConsecutives(curState, curState.getComputerChar(), 2) - countConsecutives(curState, curState.getComputerChar(), 3) * 2; if (score == 0) return Math.random() * -10 + Math.random() * 10; else return score; } } /** * Scan the board and count for n consecutive character c that is right before a * a blank character. Only does so partially for the sake of improving the evaluation * function. * * @param s the current game state * @param c the character that represent the player * @param n the number of consecutive characters. * @return */ private int countConsecutives(GameState s, char c, int n) { int count = 0; // Count n characters in columns. try { for (int i = 0; i < s.getMaxRow(); i++) { int colSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s.getMaxCol(); j++) { if (colSum == n) { if (s.getObjectAt(i, j) == s.getBlankChar()) count++; } if (s.getObjectAt(i, j) == c) { colSum++; } else colSum = 0; } } // Count n characters in rows. for (int i = 0; i < s.getMaxCol(); i++) { int rowSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s.getMaxRow(); j++) { if (rowSum == n) { if (s.getObjectAt(j, i) == s.getBlankChar()) { count++; } if (s.getObjectAt(j, i) == c) { rowSum++; } else rowSum = 0; } } } int sum = 0; // Count n characters diagonally.// Covering from left to right. for (int i = 3; i < s.getMaxRow(); i++) { sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s.getMaxCol() && j <= i; j++) { if (sum == n) { if (s.getObjectAt(i - j, j) == s.getBlankChar()) count++; } if (s.getObjectAt(i - j, j) == c) { sum++; } else { sum = 0; } } } for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++) { sum = 0; for (int k = 0; j + k < s.getMaxCol(); k++) { if (sum == n) { if (s.getObjectAt(s.getMaxRow() - 1 - k, j + k) == s.getBlankChar()) count++; } if (s.getObjectAt(s.getMaxRow() - 1 - k, j + k) == c) { sum++; } else sum = 0; } } // Covering from right to left. for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s.getMaxCol() && (i + j) < s.getMaxRow(); j++) { if (sum == n) { if (s.getObjectAt(i + j, j) == s.getBlankChar()) count++; } if (s.getObjectAt(i + j, j) == c) { sum++; } else { sum = 0; } } } for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++) { sum = 0; for (int k = 0; j + k < s.getMaxCol(); k++) { if (sum == n) { if (s.getObjectAt(0 + k, j + k) == s.getBlankChar()) count++; } if (s.getObjectAt(0 + k, j + k) == c) { sum++; } else sum = 0; } } } catch (model.IllegalArgumentException e) { } return count; } }