package model; /** * This class represents the Connect4 game model. * */ public class Connect4Model extends java.util.Observable implements { /** * Java generated serialization ID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The maximum size for each rows. */ private final int ROWS_NUM = 7; /** * The maximum size of each column. */ private final int COLS_NUM = 6; /** * The number of consecutive pieces either horizontally, vertically, or * diagonally to win the game. */ private final int CONNECT_SIZE = 4; /** * The default character representation of the player. */ private final char humanChar = 'X'; /** * The default character representation of the computer player. */ private final char computerChar = 'O'; /** * The default character representation of an empty cell. */ private final char blankChar = '_'; /** * The object which represents the computer's strategy for playing the game. */ private transient ComputerPlayer computerPlayer; /** * Encapsulate move information to send over to the views. */ private transient Connect4MoveMessage moveMsg; /** * Indicates if it's currently the human turn. */ private boolean isHumanMove; /** * Counts the total number of moves that have been made. */ private int moveMaked; /** * Representation of the board. */ private char[][] board; /** * Ctor for Connect4Model. */ public Connect4Model() { board = new char[ROWS_NUM][COLS_NUM]; for (int i = 0; i < ROWS_NUM; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < COLS_NUM; j++) { board[i][j] = blankChar; } } // Human moves first by default. isHumanMove = true; computerPlayer = new Minimax_AlphaBeta(); moveMaked = 0; moveMsg = null; setChanged(); notifyObservers(moveMsg); } public void setComputerPlayer(ComputerPlayer another) { this.computerPlayer = another; } /** * Return a character on the board at row x and column y. * * @param x The row number. * @param y The column number. * @return A character on the board at row x and column y. * @throws IllegalArgumentException when x is not between 0 and ROWS_NUM or y is * not between 0 and COLS_NUM. */ public char getObjectAt(final int x, final int y) throws model.IllegalArgumentException { if ( (x >= this.ROWS_NUM || x < 0) || (y >= this.COLS_NUM || y < 0)) { throw new model.IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments."); } return this.board[x][y]; } /** * Set an object at cell (x, y) to a character. * * @param x stands for row * @param y stands for column * @param obj The character representation of any player (can be blank). * @throws IllegalArgumentException when x is not between 0 and ROWS_NUM or y is * not between 0 and COLS_NUM. */ public void setObjectAt(final int x, final int y, final char obj) throws model.IllegalArgumentException { if ((x >= this.ROWS_NUM || x < 0) || (y >= this.COLS_NUM || y < 0)) { throw new model.IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments."); } this.board[x][y] = obj; if (obj == this.getComputerChar()) { moveMsg = new Connect4MoveMessage(this.board[0].length - y - 1, x , 2); } else { moveMsg = new Connect4MoveMessage(this.board[0].length - y - 1, x , 1); } setChanged(); notifyObservers(moveMsg); } /** * Check if a cell is empty or not. * * @param x stands for row * @param y stand for column * @return true if the cell (x,y) is empty. */ public boolean isBlank(final int x, final int y) { return this.board[x][y] == blankChar; } /** * Return the maximum row of the board. * * @return The maximum row of the board. */ public int getMaxRow() { return this.ROWS_NUM; } /** * Return the maximum column of the board. * * @return The maximum column of the board. */ public int getMaxCol() { return this.COLS_NUM; } /** * Accessor to the model's character representation of the player. * * @return A character representing the player. */ public char getHumanChar() { return humanChar; } /** * Accessor to the model's character representation of the computer player. * * @return A character representing the computer. */ public char getComputerChar() { return computerChar; } /** * Accessor to the model's character representation of an empty slot. * * @return A blank character. */ public char getBlankChar() { return blankChar; } /** * An accessor to isHumanMove. * * @return Return true if it's currently the human's move. */ public boolean isHumanMove() { return this.isHumanMove; } /** * Set the flag for human turn. * * @param isHumanTurn Set isHumanMove to true if this is true and false otherwise. */ public void setHumanTurn(final boolean isHumanTurn) { this.isHumanMove = isHumanTurn; } /** * A helper method to switch turn in a single game. */ public void switchTurn() { this.moveMaked++; isHumanMove = !isHumanMove; } /** * Check the winning condition by column. * * @param playerChar A character that represents the player. * @return True if playerChar wins the game by column and false otherwise. */ public boolean wonByCol(final char playerChar) { boolean won = false; for (int i = 0; i < ROWS_NUM; i++) { int colSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < COLS_NUM; j++) { if (board[i][j] == playerChar) { colSum++; if (colSum == CONNECT_SIZE) { won = true; break; } } else { colSum = 0; } } } return won; } /** * Check the winning condition by row. * * @param playerChar A character that represents the player. * @return True if playerChar wins the game by row and false otherwise. */ public boolean wonByRow(final char playerChar) { boolean won = false; for (int i = 0; i < COLS_NUM; i++) { int rowSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ROWS_NUM; j++) { if (board[j][i] == playerChar) { rowSum++; if (rowSum == CONNECT_SIZE) { won = true; break; } } else { rowSum = 0; } } } return won; } /** * Check the winning condition diagonally, both left and right. * * @param playerChar A character that represents the player. * @return True if playerChar wins the game diagonally and false otherwise. */ public boolean wonByDiagonal(final char playerChar) { int sum = 0; boolean won = false; // Covering from left to right. for (int i = 3; i < ROWS_NUM; i++) { sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < COLS_NUM && j <= i; j++) { if (board[i - j][j] == playerChar) { sum++; if (sum == CONNECT_SIZE) { won = true; break; } } else { sum = 0; } } } for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++) { sum = 0; for (int k = 0; j + k < COLS_NUM; k++) { if (board[ROWS_NUM - 1 - k][j + k] == playerChar) { sum++; if (sum == CONNECT_SIZE) { won = true; break; } } else { sum = 0; } } } // Covering from right to left. for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < COLS_NUM && (i + j) < ROWS_NUM; j++) { if (board[i + j][j] == playerChar) { sum++; if (sum == CONNECT_SIZE) { won = true; break; } } else { sum = 0; } } } for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++) { sum = 0; for (int k = 0; j + k < COLS_NUM; k++) { if (board[0 + k][j + k] == playerChar) { sum++; if (sum == CONNECT_SIZE) { won = true; break; } } else { sum = 0; } } } return won; } /** * Check if a player win the game either by row, column, or diagonal. * * @param playerChar A character representing the player who won. * @return True if playerChar win the game in some ways. */ public boolean didWin(char playerChar) { return wonByRow(playerChar) || wonByCol(playerChar) || wonByDiagonal(playerChar); } /** * Check the tie condition of the game. Tie happens when nobody wins and there's * no move left. * * @return True if it's a tie and false otherwise. */ public boolean isTied() { // Tie condition: Out of moves AND nobody wins. return (moveMaked == ROWS_NUM * COLS_NUM && !(didWin(computerChar) || didWin(humanChar))); } /** * Prompts the computer to make a move. * * @param c The character token that will belong to the move. */ public void computerMove(char c, boolean max) { boolean foundAMove = false; while (!foundAMove) { int colMove = computerPlayer.getMove(this, max); if (colMove == -1) return; for (int i = 0; i < COLS_NUM; i++) { if (board[colMove][i] == blankChar) { board[colMove][i] = c; if (c == this.computerChar) moveMsg = new Connect4MoveMessage(board[0].length - i - 1, colMove , 2); else moveMsg = new Connect4MoveMessage(board[0].length - i - 1, colMove, 1); foundAMove = true; break; } } } setChanged(); notifyObservers(moveMsg); } /** * * @return A 2d characters array that represents the board. */ public char[][] getBoard() { return this.board; } /** * * @return True if the game is already over. */ public boolean isOver() { return this.didWin(this.getComputerChar()) || this.didWin(this.getHumanChar()) || this.isTied(); } /** * @return A move message that is used to update the observers. */ public Connect4MoveMessage getMoveMsg() { return this.moveMsg; } /** * */ public void printRawBoard() { for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) { System.out.print(board[i][j] + " "); } System.out.println(); } } /** * Set the reference of the character array board to this.board. Its only * purpose is to self assign a given board to model's subclass, in which * this.board is not visible. * * @param board A character array board. */ public void setBoard(char[][] board) { this.board = board; } /** * Set the move made for this object. Similar to setBoard(), only to do a deep * copy of model's subclass object. It shouldn't be called in other cases. * * @param m The number of moves that should be assigned to this instance's move. */ public void setMoveMaked(int m) { this.moveMaked = m; } /** * @return The number of moves that have been made in this model. */ public int getMoveMaked() { return moveMaked; } }